Interested organizations should submit the application letter and completed questionnaire (below) to the following e-mail address:
A decision about new members is taken once a year at the annual meeting by a majority of 2/3 of represented members.
All members of the EHN have to fulfil the following requirements to the satisfaction of the Executive Board:
a) be a sustainable organization,
b) clearly represent a specific group of horse industry’s stakeholders which is in principle not already represented by an existing member,
c) have a structure which ensures proper representation of their members.
The EHN membership can be terminated by the member organization at any time and such notification must be in writing on official letterhead of the respective organization. Membership contributions for the current year and other outstanding debts must be paid in full.
An organization’s membership in EHN can also be terminated:
a) by the EHN members. This decision requires a 2/3 majority of members (whether attending in person or represented) at the annual meeting.
b) When the annual fee is not paid 90 days (with usual reminders) after the start of a new financial year.
An application to EHN for membership requires
a) A formal application letter, and a
b) Completion of the EHN Application Questionnaire